Termite Control

Termites account to 10% of structural damage yearly. Termites are soft-bodied insects commonly known as white ants. They are small in size (4-11 mm) and have three distinct body parts namely, the head, thorax and abdomen. Termite colonies have a number of different looking individuals known as castes..

Termites can devastate your home if left unchecked. Wood damaged by termites always has remains of mud tubes attached to wood galleries or tunnels in an irregular pattern. Termites work steadily, quietly and invisibly twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

Termites will swarm usually only once a year. When they do, in most cases, it lasts for only a few hours. Termite swarmers are sometimes mistaken for flying ants. Termites live long lives. A colonies queen may live from 15 to 30 years, laying hundreds of eggs each day. It is possible to have any number of colonies infest a home at one time.

The best way to treat a problem is to make sure the problem never occurs. Instead of trying to find ways to get rid of termites, look for ways to keep them from getting into your home in the first place.